Thomas Changarathil

AI & Food Systems: The Future of the Canadian Economy

This major research project explores the problem space of food systems driving climate change and climate change in turn, threatening the resilience of food system infrastructure and food security in Canada. A literature review covers the problems space in more detail, and potential solutions in the circular economy framework and the strategic application of AI. Synthesis of the literature review with an expert-informed Three Horizons workshop generated strategic intervention points for AI to address food system resilience and security while driving progress towards circularity. An affinity mapping exercise on the data from Horizon Three, which represent a co-envisioned future food system for Canada led to the development of a novel framework to align desired outcomes for future food systems with the core values workshop participants co-developed. This framework – LASERRS (Localism, Accessibility, & Ethics for Regeneration, Resilience, and Security), can provide a map to orient future research, development, projects, and policies in food systems such that it aligns with the values and desired co-envisioned by workshop participants.